Midlands NUTS 1 statistiska regioner i England, andra, aragoniska Wikipedia, Europeiska unionens ordförande för Europeiska rådet Eurostat Storbritannien
Eurostat population numbers by NUTS3; Download this dataset Formats suitable for human consumption. HTML CSV TSV. Formats suitable for machine-to-machine communication.
NUTS statistical regions of Sweden - Wikipedia. MSU, OCH and UMMC partnered for drive-thru COVID-19 . Les régions NUTS de Suède sont les divisions statistiques en trois niveaux définies comtés suédois, alors que les deux autres niveaux sont propres à Eurostat. Christina BMystery of History 2 · Impero austro-ungarico - Wikipedia Draco, Ungern, Resor, Produkter, Kartor, · DracoUngernResorProdukterKartorHistoria From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics or NUTS (French: Nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques) is a geocode standard for referencing the subdivisions of countries for statistical purposes.
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Learn about the nomenclature of territorial units, subdividing the EU territory into regions at 3 different levels. Geographical information & maps Reverted to version as of 12:13, 29 April 2010 - flase map, in 2015 not onlu HR was added to NUTS, but also some NUTS 1 regions were changed 12 september 2015 kl. 11.43 609 × 600 (2,73 Mbyte) La Nomenclatura de las Unidades Territoriales Estadísticas o NUTS, es un sistema jerárquico para dividir el territorio económico de la Unión Europea y el Reino Unido con fines estadísticos, así como para decidir el reparto de los fondos de cohesión europea. El sistema fue creado por la Oficina Europea de Estadística a principio de los años 70 para dar uniformidad en las estadísticas regionales europeas, pero no fue hasta 2003 cuando adquirió un estatus legal y fue Statistički ured Europskih zajednica ( Eurostat) prikuplja i objavljuje statističke podatke iz država članica, država izvan Europske unije te od međunarodnih organizacija kako bi informirao institucije Europske unije i omogućio praćenje učinaka politika Zajednice. Eurostat objavljuje priopćenja za javnost, opće i specijalizirane serije kao i Klasyfikacja NUTS funkcjonuje w prawie wspólnotowym od 1988 roku, jednak dopiero w roku 2003 pojawiło się rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady w sprawie klasyfikacji NUTS.
A magyarországi Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS, Statisztikai Célú Területi Egységek Nómenklatúrája) az egész Európai Uniót lefedő rendszer része, amelyet az Eurostat fejlesztett ki, és amelyet hivatalosan az 1059/2003/EK európai parlamenti és tanácsi rendelet rögzít.
2020 — norske fylkeskommuner. 4 NUTS- Eurostat definisjon for statistiske territorielle enheter i Europa. 5 Den nordiske passunionen – Wikipedia av F Ronquist · 2020 · Citerat av 12 — Land area data were taken from the EuroStat NUTS survey in 2013 [17] and complemented with data from Wikipedia [18]. The raw data are WikiMatrix.
produktion och handel, medan USDA och Eurostat rapporterar dessa som enskilda länder. I 57 http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild: LocationArgentina.png India´s export of cashew nuts shelled and as part of world exports
NUTS statistical regions of Sweden - Wikipedia. MSU, OCH and UMMC partnered for drive-thru COVID-19 . Les régions NUTS de Suède sont les divisions statistiques en trois niveaux définies comtés suédois, alors que les deux autres niveaux sont propres à Eurostat.
Källa, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/gisco/maps_posters/maps.
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NUTS és l'acrònim en francès de la Nomenclatura de les Unitats Territorials Estadístiques (Nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques) utilitzada per la Unió Europea amb finalitats estadístiques. És definida per l'Oficina Europea d'Estadística i els resultats són utilitzats, entre altres coses, per la redistribució regional dels fons estructurals de la UE. Statistički ured Europskih zajednica ( Eurostat) prikuplja i objavljuje statističke podatke iz država članica, država izvan Europske unije te od međunarodnih organizacija kako bi informirao institucije Europske unije i omogućio praćenje učinaka politika Zajednice.
The NUTS codes of Greece are part of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, an official nomenclature of the European Commission used by Eurostat for statistical purposes. First-level NUTS regions of Greece:
As a candidate country of the European Union, Turkey (TR) is included in the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS).Defined in 2002 in agreement between Eurostat and the Turkish authorities, Turkey's NUTS classifications are officially termed statistical regions, as Turkey is not a member of the EU and Eurostat only defines NUTS for member states. Linked Open Data.
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NUTS-2 NUTS-3 Država NUTS 1 NUTS 2 NUTS 3 1. nivo NUTS-a 2. nivo NUTS-a 3. nivo NUTS-a Zemlje članice EU Austrija AT 3 9 35 3 grupe saveznih pokrajina 9 saveznih pokrajina 35 grupa okruga ili statutarnih gradova Belgija BE 3 11 43 2 federalne regije 10 pokrajina 42 arondismana Briselska regija Briselska regija Briselska regija Danska DK 1 1 15 5 regija 11 okruga Finska FI 2 5 20 1
NUTS:ES je zkratka pro normalizovanou klasifikaci územních celků ve Španělském království pro potřeby Eurostatu.. Rozdělení. V prvním stupni dělení NUTS 1 je Španělsko rozděleno do 7 skupin autonomních společenství (španělsky agrupación de comunidades autónomas).; V nižší úrovni NUTS 2 se Španělsko dělí do 17 autonomních společenství (comunidades autónomas NUTS-2 NUTS-3 Država NUTS 1 NUTS 2 NUTS 3 1.
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List of NUTS-3 regions in EU with GDP per capita over 100,000 EUR. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Wikipedia list article. This article provides …
És definida per l'Oficina Europea d'Estadística i els resultats són utilitzats, entre altres coses, per la redistribució regional dels fons estructurals de la UE. NUTS (francuski: Nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques = „Nomenklatura prostornih jedinica za statistiku“) je hijerarhijski sustav za identifikaciju i klasifikaciju prostornih jedinica za potrebe službene statistike u zemljama članicama Europske unije.. Ovaj sustav je 1980.
The European Union uses a classification for subnational territory called Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques. The NUTS 1 classification is applied to a group of regions, NUTS 2 for regions and NUTS 3 as subdivisions of regions. There are also two levels which relate to local administrative unit levels. Countries agree a NUTS classification with the European Commission. Geddes notes that NUTS level 2 is "particularly important", because they often exist as
Alongside datasets, publications and Statistics Explained articles, Eurostat offers interactive applications for visualising and analysing sub-national data, such as the interactive data visualisations ‘Regions & cities Illustrated’ and ‘Statistical Atlas’, or the mobile app ’My Region’. 120 rows The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) is a geocode standard by Eurostat for referencing the subdivisions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for statistical purposes. The NUTS code for the UK is UK and there are 12 first level regions within the State. 106 rows The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) is developed by Eurostat, and employed in Portugal for statistical purposes. The NUTS branch extends from NUTS1, NUTS2 and NUTS3 regions, with the complementary LAU (Local Administrative Units) sub-categorization being used to differentiate the local areas, of trans-national importance.